Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Easy Weaning with Healthy baby food Recipes

My little daughter Gina has been growing up so fast, and I am just wondering how quickly time has passed by since she was born.

Growing up from a just new born baby to an infant heading to a toddler stage, precious time  has just whizzed by. On the other hand I consider myself lucky as Gina has not been fussy when it came to eating and accepting new foods. She has also been a good night sleeper without waking up cranky in the middle of the night for  feeds.

Sleep Patterns

Babies need to sleep and it is essential for their growth. A new born baby sleeps a lot more than bigger children and as they grow, the number of hours keep reducing. If a baby has not slept well then you can expect to have a cranky irritable baby.

It is advisable to feed your baby well before sleep times in order to curb nightime wake ups for feeds thought its advisble to try this process around four month old babies. New borns need small feeds which is milk and hence being a liquid diet they tend to pee a lot leaving their tummy empty and hungry for more feeds. You can keep a track of preparing a journal of feeds and sleep logs for your new born baby. This will help you understand better as to what routine your baby follows, which helps you in advance to mentally and physical cope with the demanding sleep and feed timings.

I will be posting some home made recipes that are healthy and helpful to wean your baby.

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